
The Melody Blog

The Melody Blog takes us to the world of Melody, a girl who does not speak but only sings, and where her dictatorial father streams her songs online, which become viral hits.

This musical, which is The Truman Show meets Rebecca Black meets X Factor, is an interesting idea, and the songs are often fun and imaginative. The idea that people view online in the millions a girl who sings perky songs is not far removed from reality either. There is some great singing from the cast too.

The show is let down by an unimaginative plot and laboured narration. The acting tends to come from the school of shouting and there is not much scope for developing any real characterisations. I was not sure why the musicians needed to wear balaclavas or cheese cloth hoods either.

Still, this is clearly an idea that could be developed further, it’s just not quite there in the present form.

– Paul Ewing