A set of musical vignettes, following a five pound note on its journey through the different lives of the people of London. Often unnoticed and obviously unaware, the fiver is present for significant moments in each person’s life – whether it be an appreciation of their skills as a street performer; the start or end of a relationship; or the simple realisation that they can afford a bed for the night.
This beautifully crafted series of musical vignettes explores the value of money, relationships between people, and the relationships between people and their money. Through carefully interwoven narrative threads, we learn the presumed value and worth of a fiver to different types of people, and are present at the key moment when the value of a fiver – given or received – can be dramatically altered by circumstance. The diverse characters in Fiver are explored through a broad variety of musical styles as we follow our unusual hero through the ups and down of what is – to a fiver – just a normal day.