Martin plays Jerry Lee Lewis in the touring production after playing the part in the US
Martin Kaye is currently playing Jerry Lee Lewis in the touring production of Million Dollar Quartet, which began at the Leicester Curve on 14 September. He also played the same role in the US tour for a year and a half, which lead to a part in the Las Vegas production.
We went backstage with Martin to find out what he had in his dressing room.
MK: "Every night, for the last five years, I put this on my head and I turn into Jerry Lee Lewis. Made from real human hair, and beautifully woven together, it’s a masterpiece. And a bloody expensive one at that!"
MK: "Couldn’t and wouldn’t be where I am without the incredible loving support of my wife Holly (and my parents and friends too). Also, and rather importantly, she’s great at keeping my feet on the ground. So I always keep a picture of her right in front of me as I get ready every night."
MK: "Playing the piano like Jerry Lee Lewis requires blood, sweat and tears… and quite often, the former more than the latter two. This tape and glue help to strengthen my thumb for all the glissandos up and down the piano."
MK: "Sometimes, you just need a pick-me-up. And I hear this one gives you wings. So when I’m running on empty, I just need that little bit extra juice to help me fly!"
MK: "I don’t think the emotion of the show would carry through as well if we had to scream our lines to enable the whole audience to hear us – this helps. We place them inconspicuously so that they don’t ruin the illusion – mine goes under my wig and is then stuck down with tape on my forehead."
Million Dollar Quartet runs at the Leicester Curve until 24 September and then tours the UK.