A limited run of the improv show will open at The Other Palace in January
Showstopper!, the Improvised Musical is to open at The Other Palace in January 2019.
The improv show will run for eight weeks from 22 January, alongside the company's regular monthly dates at the Lyric Shaftesbury.
Showstopper! has been running at the Edinburgh Festival for 11 years and won an Olivier Award for Best Entertainment and Family Show. It sees the company creating a musical each night purely from audience suggestions. As such, each night is different.
During the run at The Other Palace, the company will celebrate its 1000th performance.
The show began in 2008 when Dylan Emery, Adam Meggido and Ken Campbell coached a group of actors with little improvisation experience into performing an hour-long musical for an audience.
In 2015 Showstopper! The Improvised Musical became the first longform improv show to have a full run in the West End at the Apollo Theatre.
At The Other Palace, performances run Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 7.30pm, Fridays at 5.30pm and 8.30pm, Saturdays at 2.30pm and 7.30pm.
The rotating company of Showstopper! The Improvised Musical includes Jonathan Ainscough, Ruth Bratt, Justin Brett, Matt Cavendish, Dylan Emery (co-creator/director), Pippa Evans, Susan Harrison, Joshua C Jackson, Ali James, Sean McCann, Adam Meggido (co-creator/director), Philip Pellew, Andrew Pugsley, Lauren Shearing, Lucy Trodd, Heather Urquhart and Sarah-Louise Young.