
Quarantine Quiz – Lucie Jones gives us the lowdown from lockdown

The ”Waitress”, ”Rent” and ”Legally Blonde” star lets us know what she’s been up to in lockdown

Lucie Jones
Lucie Jones

It's a rubbish time for those locked down and theatres shut. But we wanted to find out what stars, producers and creatives are getting up to while cooped up in their own homes!

Our next interviewee is Waitress star and all-round musical legend Lucie Jones.

1) Who are you locked down with?
My dogs and my husband!

2) What are you missing most during lockdown?
My job! I really do miss it so much. I am one of those smug awful people who really does love their job. Also, Nando's.

3) What's your default Pick-Me-Up show tune?
"Everything Changes" from Waitress is a banger. Also "Run and Tell That" from Hairspray.

4) Favourite box-set binge?
I've been busy working so actually haven't been watching that much TV. When I do get a chance, it is always, has always and WILL always be, Friends.

5) What's the When-I-Get-Some-Time project that you are hoping to tackle during lockdown?
Before I started taking my business online I literally opened every drawer, cupboard and box and took everything out so I would have to organise them. It's been really refreshing!

6) What are you currently reading?
Emails from people requesting online lessons! Also The Goblet of Fire.

7) Have you cleaned out your kitchen cupboards and if so, what's the oldest thing you found?
My kitchen is so small we always have to keep on top of it but my mum found some pasta in my nan's kitchen cupboard that went off in 1998. Not an exaggeration.

8) If you could take a virtual tour of any building in the world which one would it be?
Probably the Adelphi Theatre! Make me feel at home! Also check no-one has stolen any of our stuff…

9) How many loo rolls do you really have in your house?
HAHA! You will never know….

10) If you decided to learn a new language during lockdown, which one would it be and why?
Japanese! I was due to be in Japan during this isolation period – obviously couldn't go but I want to when we are free to travel again!

11) Which board game would you choose to while away an evening?
I love a good game. Couldn't pick one absolute fave but at the moment I love Obama Llama. If you know, you know. If you don't, order it. You won't regret it!

12) What time is Wine-O'Clock in your house?
5pm, provided I have exercised that day. If I haven't exercised, then in theory, I don't drink. What actually happens is I drink earlier. Oops!