The Polka, which is situated in Wimbledon, produces shows for children under 14. According to a press statement, “The past seven years have seen Polka enjoy wide-ranging artistic success
in a child-centred, playful building that is busier than ever.”
Stephen Midlane, executive director of the venue, said: “We will all be very sad to see Jonathan go but wish him the greatest
success at Pegasus. He has made a fantastic contribution to Polka,
producing an impressive body of work that has successfully balanced
hugely popular theatre productions alongside groundbreaking community
projects that have engaged with a broad spectrum of children and
Lloyd, who previously worked as an associate director at Soho Theatre, responded: “I’m fiercely proud of all we’ve achieved at Polka over the past seven
years, and will be very sad to leave. Polka is a rare and special place,
a theatre dedicated to creating world-class work for children; there’s a
fantastic team here and a vocal, supportive, demanding, passionate
audience who have made my time here so enjoyable and fulfilling.”
The Polka’s Board of Trustees hopes to appoint a successor by the end of summer.