The show continues at the Sondheim Theatre
The iconic musical, playing at the Sondheim Theatre, currently stars Jon Robyns as Jean Valjean, Bradley Jaden as Javert, Gerard Carey as Thénardier, Josefina Gabrielle as Madame Thénardier, Chanice Alexander-Burnett as Fantine, Harry Apps as Marius, Sha Dessi as Éponine, Jordan Shaw as Enjolras and Charlie Burn as Cosette.
They are joined by Kelly Agbowu, Joseph Anthony, Emma Barr, Richard Carson, Rodney Earl Clarke, Danny Colligan, Matthew Dale, Matt Dempsey, Natalie Green, Jessie Hart, Christopher Jacobsen, Connor Jones, Jessica Joslin, Michael Kholwadia, Sarah Lark, Georgie Lovatt, Ellie Ann Lowe, Luke McCall, Leo Miles, Claire O'Leary, Kathy Peacock, Mark Pearce, Sam Peggs, Sake Wijers, Mared Williams and Phoebe Williams.
Les Misérables, based on Victor Hugo's novel, has music by Claude-Michel Schönberg, lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer and original French text by Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel, additional material by James Fenton and adaptation by Trevor Nunn and John Caird. Orchestrations are by Stephen Metcalfe, Christopher Jahnke and Stephen Brooker with original orchestrations by John Cameron.
From 5 October 2022, the show will also start operating on a new show schedule, with performances from that date now set for:
Wednesday at 7.30pm
Thursday at 2.30pm and 7.30pm
Friday at 7.30pm
Saturday at 2.30pm and 7.30pm
Sunday at 2.30pm
Monday at 7.30pm
The show has also extended its run to 5 March 2023, with tickets on sale from 11am today.