5-29 August, 18:20
Stand-up is a funny art. Some think it’s about making a crowd laugh, and that’s fine. A rare breed understands that the ability to make people laugh is theatre’s most powerful device.
Women have been a hot topic at this year’s Festival. Nobody but Farnan has made me challenge my own views, and enjoy doing so. Intelligent, insightful, well-researched and funny as they come, he takes in Primark push-up bras, pioneering Rwandan quotas on women in politics, international trafficking and size-zero waists. Each time, he has more substance than most verbatim issue-based dramaturgs on the circuit, and a sharper wit than most award-nominated one-liners.
Using his incisive, brilliant comedy to both fire his arguments and undercut his own tirades, Farnan provides a joyous comic set and a searing satirical sermon for men and women alike. We should be shouting from the rooftops about him and all his breed of comedians.
– Will Young