A new dance show, co-created and directed by Arlene Phillips (The Cher Show), will play at the Peacock Theatre in the West End.
Entitled House of Flamenka, the production will star Karen Ruimy (When Jazz Meets Flamenco), who is also credited as co-creator and producer, and is billed as a “lavish, extravagant and sexy fusion of Flamenco and Contemporary dance”. Set in a fantasy world, it follows a goddess of music and dance, who collects 20 talented dancers with the sole purpose of performing for her pleasure.
James Cousins (The Book of Dust – La Belle Sauvage) will choreograph a company of dancers from Madrid and from around the UK, with Flamenco choregraphy provided by Francisco Hidalgo (Binomio).
House of Flamenka runs at the Peacock Theatre from 27 September to 8 October.