In My Shoes, a one-woman choppy sketch show billed as a “theatrical tour de force”, plays a little like a cabaret without music to the tables of Soho Downstairs. There’s little subtlety (giant picture of a vagina, anyone?) and yet some of the best moments are where this shines through – the states of the character’s actual shoes, the quiet silent moments of removing or placing them on the feet.
Take, for instance, the trainer-loving ex-gang member Dupre McKenzie. This sketch stands out as one of the best; Le Mar’s physicality, her energy, her voice, all excellently done. However, without the additional programme note explaining the visitation of his dead friend’s ghost, the final few minutes would have been entirely incomprehensible.
But the best moment comes at the end of the show, Le Mar riffing in character, a lone and welcome section of stand-up that provides a better vehicle for her talents and enables the show to go out on a high. In the end though, it’s like being offered a plethora of left shoes without the right – there’s just a necessary little something missing.
– Laura Tosney