
Julien Cottereau – Imagine-Toi

If you want to see a show that makes you well up inside with
a feeling of pure joy then Julien Cottereau: Imagine Toi is for you. For one glorious hour he invites you into his
imaginary world, seemingly creating characters and situations out of just thin
air and a little magic, but they are of course created by his extraordinary
skill as a clown and mime artist with an incredible talent for vocal wizardry.

A slight figure in tight fitting clothes and a boyish
expression, Julien draws the audience in to share his encounters with a wild
beast, an angry dog and a fly, to name just a few, and even to share his brief romance
with a comely member of the audience. Children and adults alike were enthralled, spontaneous
laughter and applause peppered the show throughout and by the end we probably
all felt the world was a better place.

– Margaret Scott