Anna, a young aristocrat, is facing a lifetime of unhappiness in a marriage void of affection. She finds solace from her loneliness upon meeting Captain Vronsky, and embarks on a deeply passionate love affair. However, the pleasure of their infatuation is sharply curbed by the reality of her marriage vows, the risk of losing custody of her child, and the sting of society’s condemnation. Musically, the songs explore their struggles, and those of the interconnected characters Levin, Kitty, Dolly and Oblonsky- interspersed by powerful and punchy chorus numbers.
An original musical based on Lev Tolstoy’s world-famous novel, makes its London debut with an orchestra and 13-strong cast drawn from the best talent at the University. It was selected by Iris Theatre as part of its Workin Process programme that gives gifted emerging writers an opportunity to showcase their work. Musically, the songs explore their struggles, and those of the interconnected characters Levin, Kitty, Dolly and Oblonsky- interspersed by powerful, punchy chorus numbers, and dramatic ensemble movement sequences.