The show first ran at Shakespeare’s Globe in 2017
Appearing in the show will be Marc Antolin (Jean-René), Carly Bawden (Angélique), Brett Brown (Salesman/Fred), Me'sha Bryan (Suzanne/Mimi), Harry Hepple (Ludo/Remi), Laura Jane Matthewson (Young Woman), Sandra Marvin (Magda/Brigitte/Dr Maxim), Craig Pinder (Father/Pierre/Receptionist) and Gareth Snook (Mercier/Mumbler/Marini).
Playing at the Bristol Old Vic from 18 January to 1 February, the show has design based on Lez Brotherston's original, musical supervision by Nigel Lilley, choreography by Etta Murfitt, orchestrations by Simon Hale, lighting by Malcolm Rippeth and sound by Simon Baker.
Based on the French film Les Émotifs Anonymes, it follows Angélique, a shy chocolate maker and the awkward boss of a chocolate factory in a love story. The show first ran at the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse in 2017.