The five-star production features a cast of Charlie Brooks (Ursula), Daniel Cornish (alternate Boy), Trevor Fox (Dad), Emma-Jane Goodwin (understudy), Paolo Guidi (ensemble), Millie Hikasa (Lettie Hempstock), Lewis Howard (understudy), Kemi-Bo Jacobs (Ginnie Hempstock), Jasmeen James (understudy), Ronnie Lee (ensemble), Aimee McGoldrick (ensemble), Laurie Ogden (Sis), Keir Ogilvy (Boy), Domonic Ramsden (ensemble), Joe Rawlinson-Hunt (understudy), Risha Silvera (understudy) and Finty Williams (Old Mrs Hempstock).
It is currently running at the Lowry in Salford, with plans to stop at 29 locations over the next ten months. A full list of tour dates is available here, with select locations on sale below.
Brooks will be appearing until 3 June 2023 on tour, with further dates to be announced. This means she is scheduled to perform in Salford, Woking, Leicester, Plymouth, Sunderland, Bath, Belfast, Dublin, Bradford, Wimbledon, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Sheffield, Birmingham and Cardiff.
The production of Neil Gaiman’s much loved fantasy novel, adapted for the stage by Joel Horwood and directed by Katy Rudd, features set design by Fly Davis, costume and puppet design by Samuel Wyer, movement direction by Steven Hoggett, composition by Jherek Bischoff, lighting design by Paule Constable, sound design by Ian Dickinson for Autograph, magic and illusions direction and design by Jamie Harrison and puppetry direction by Finn Caldwell. Casting is by Naomi Downham.
The creative team also includes Sophie Dillon Moniram as associate director, Tim Blazdell as associate set designer, Jess Williams as associate movement director, Rob Casey for Ammonite and Tom Turner as associate lighting designers, Chris Reid as associate sound designer, John Bulleid as magic and illusions associate, and Gareth Aled as associate puppetry director.