We thought the results last week of our reality TV poll were interesting – but we didn’t realise how sacrilegiously hilarious they were until we tweeted the story. The key finding, that the musical theatregoers would most like to see cast via television next is Andrew Lloyd Webber’s own Jesus Christ Superstar, caused a mini storm of side-splitting comments for the hoped-for new programme from the Twitterati.
In addition to various trending hashtag suggestions – #youcouldstillbejesus, #jesuschristcasting, #ohchrist and #Lordknows – here are some of our favourite Tweets: RT @AShyChap: they could plant a judas in the jesus camp!,
RT @stephenjdavis1: what would they call the one ALW saves? Resurrected Jesus?, RT @MrStevieWebb: also… Can’t wait for the backlash each week as we hear the words “You COULD be Jesus!”, RT @dobbyisnotdead: What would they call the bootcamp stage? Jesus University? Nah… Christ Camp, RT @scraticusheapus: Graham, introducing contestants: “Have we found Jesus? Only time will tell” …
Or how about: RT @karendiamond1: the eliminated contestant should get the chance to be resurrected by “The Lord” the following week, RT @chrismacklin: Would they perform the 39lashes with each ‘eviction’?!, RT @karendiamond1: as the eliminated contestant is nailed to a cross, the remaining Jesuses sing “Always look On The Bright Side of Life”, RT @MarkValencia: ‘Only the Lord can save you now’, RT @jadorethe4: contestants should ACTUALLY be eliminated at the end of the show… by being stoned to death by the audience; ! RT @cazzanezza: what will the end of every show be? carried away on a crucifix?!, RT @annaarose: and “You could still be Jesus”???.
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