The image of the toilet cubicles lingers on but no one can deny the fierce theatricality that shakes up English National Opera whenever Calixto Bieito’s in town.
The softly spoken Spaniard has some strong views on the piece: how the dialogue does nothing for the narrative (he’s cut it entirely); how Don José is plainly bi-polar; how Carmen is not at all the liberated heroine she is so often cut out to be.
Bieito has said: “My black humour comes from Cervantes. My surrealism comes from Bunuel. My images come from Goya, and my terror came from being taught by Jesuits.” In his charming broken English Bieito picks up on that last line and reveals how his own fear was turned into something positive and creative. He has a reputation for being provocative but insists that he has no interest in provocation for its own sake. In his own words he “follows his heart”. And his astonishing nose for theatre.
– Edward Seckerson
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