What similarities are there between the Dame character in the different pantomime stories?
Most Dames tend to be a “mum” figure, so that aspect is fairly consistent. She’s also usually involved in helping the hero or heroine in some way and is of course, a major comedy character throughout the show.
How do you personally see the role of Dame?
Funny, of course, but also warm and with a strong partnership with her son or nurselings (Herbie is her son in this particular show). But also leading the visual and vocal comedy throughout.
How have audience reactions – from both children and adults – changed over the years you’ve played Dame?
Really, the reaction hasn’t altered a lot – although familiarity has perhaps increased the adults’ immediate rapport with me.
How does the trend towards having the Principal Boy played by a young man and not a girl affect the Dame’s role?
It makes it much easier for the Dame to flirt with the principal boy when he’s played by a guy. The gender-bending can get a bit weird when it is a girl! And I think children respond more to a guy/girl love story than when two girls have to play it.