The hit series returns
The "Leave A Light On" series, created by Lambert Jackson Productions and The Theatre Café, will return from next month for encore viewings.
Featuring Zoe Birkett, Jordan Luke Gage, David Hunter, Cassidy Janson, Lucie Jones, Beverley Knight and Layton Williams, the series runs from 15 March to 24 April via
Coordinators Jamie Lambert and Eliza Jackson said today, "'Leave a Light On' was born out of the pandemic and the industry's closure – we wanted to provide artists with the opportunity for paid work, and were thrilled we were able to support almost 80 performers across the two series. We're incredibly proud of both series and the sheer quality of these at-home concerts, so are delighted to be able to share many of these performances with audiences again!"
The season features stage stars performing intimate concerts from their own homes.