Theatre News

Opening: Behind the Hood at Unity

Iscona Productions and Particip8 are staging their production Behind the Hood at the Unity Theatre in Liverpool for five nights this week.

The play follows the story of two young boys as their lives are thrown together and they go on a personal journey of discovery about gangs, identity and youth culture. The devised piece uses the metaphor of an old tinned up Victorian terrace as a time portal which takes them on a surreal journey through both time and space. It takes them on a voyage through the history of Liverpool’s gangs, cultures and youth culture.

The show has been directed by Joann Kushner of Iscona Productions and John Whelan of Particip8, and combines documentary, film and photography with a devised performance piece.

The project has been developed in partnership with National Museums of Liverpool, Liverpool Housing Trust, Youth Opportunities Fund, Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services, Granada Foundation and the Home Office.

Behind the Hood appears at the Unity from tomorrow (27 April) and runs until Saturday 1 May.