Three modern tales of the unexpected – rural, surreal, and with a twist. Welcome to the world beyond the M25, with its countless small villages where nobody locks their door and everybody knows your business. We present three tales each evening which delve into the strange, secret and even surreal world beneath the thatch roofs, where yarns spin and plots twist till the cows come home: Incarnation – a successful writer enjoys a secluded life, but his past may be about to rewrite his future… Special Delivery – Nothing ever changes in good old Blighty, as long as the upper lips are stiffened and the unwritten rules are followed… False Widow – In a small village, most residents are easy to find – but others are far more reclusive, staying indoors and spending all day on the web… So take off your boots and pull up a chair by the Aga for an evening of intrigue, passion, and homemade jam.