The White Mouse tells the story of one of the greatest heroines of World War II, the unparalleled British-Australian soldier, Nancy Wake. The inspiration for Sebastian Faulks’s character Charlotte Grey, Nancy was the allies’ most decorated servicewoman in WWII. Hard-drinking, rough-talking, fearless, gritty, and tough, Nancy became the Gestapo’s no. 1 most wanted spy for the whole duration of the war, with a 5-million-franc bounty on her head. Nicknamed “The White Mouse” for her uncanny ability to evade capture and outsmart her enemies, Nancy was gifted with a fearlessness few people possess, attacking Nazi convoys, infiltrating Gestapo headquarters, and personally leading 2000 men, women, and children out of Nazi-occupied France – even killing an enemy soldier with her bare hands! And woe betide anyone who expressed sympathy with the Nazi cause! Able to out-drink the boys, out-swear her comrades, and out-think the enemy, Nancy Wake was a soldier unlike any other.