Hello, person who is reading this. There’s two of us, we stand on a stage and we’re funny. Funny how? Funny like a clown? Funny because we perform sketches that we wrote. If you fancy going out on a Friday in September, and you feel like doing something but also not doing something and watching other people do funny somethings, we got you sorted. Have you just seen stand-up last week and feel like something else? This could be for you. Bring your partner, your mum, and your grandma. They might think you are funny by association. It’s safe to say that there is a chance that you might (just maybe) have a laugh. No one is harmed in the course of our show (unless they asked for it). We reserve no responsibility for any injury or damage caused by joy-related activities. Wow! We really did a good job of making the show description wacky and zany. If you didn’t find this description funny then it was like middling compared to our true abilities, We promise. Just buy a ticket!