The Adventures of Isaac Saddlesore, adapted from the previously lost notes of Dr George Hotbuns. Originally an online Audio Series, following the intriguing and depraved exploits of London’s most disreputable crime fighting duo. Whilst Sherlock Holmes, the infinitely better known and arguably more disciplined detective, approaches the autumn of his years, Isaac Saddlesore is busy seeking the ultimate high. He is, however, repeatedly interrupted by people asking him to solve mysteries for them. The jacked up private detective is joined by his long suffering companion Dr George Hotbuns, a renowned author of bodice ripper literature and frequent visitor to kitten-houses. Together they go about cracking cases, fighting crimes, and trying to get through each long day without killing one another.
The Witches of Drenn follows our two reprobates as they are drawn into a world of mystery, murder and black magic. In order to save the life of Sir Maxwell Gropefund, a brash, bigoted antipodean, they journey to the village of Drenn and Embuggerance Hall to get to the bottom of the family curse!