He may be master of the one man show but David Benson longs to join a cast bigger than just him. A witty, ebullient and naughty character, for Benson touring the country with only a stage manager for company doesn’t quite fulfil his social cravings. However his solo creations are rather successful and make for steady work in an otherwise precarious industry.
The bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over the Scottish town of Lockerbie remains a controversial subject with the compassionate release in 2009 of the only man convicted of the crime. Benson may have done extensive research but with opinions and emotions riding high, it’s something he needs to get perfect.
David Benson has two shows at the Edinburgh Fringe this year. The Singalong Glee Club is running at Gilded Balloon Teviot,
10-30 August at
17.00. Lockerbie: Unfinished Business is also running at the Gilded Balloon Teviot,
7-30 August at 14.30.