A new comedy, written by David Cantor (My Family) and Michael Kingsbury (Seduced), will be hitting the road from the end of this month.
Billed as a “celebration of the TV sitcom and its place in our hearts”, the play follows Frank Donohue, the finest sitcom writer of his generation, who has flown in from Los Angeles to lead a seminar on how to pen the perfect sitcom.
The cast comprises David Schaal (The Office), Harry Visinoni (Coronation Street), Sarah Moyle (Doctors), Jasmine Armfield (EastEnders), Robin Sebastian (Stop Messing About) and Jack Trueman (Fever Pitch).
Directed by Kingsbury and produced by Peter Frosdick and Classical Events, Jumping the Shark launches in Bury St Edmunds (28 January to 4 February) before heading to Southend (7 to 11 February), Portsmouth (15 to 18 February), Dartford (21 to 25 February), Crewe (2 to 4 March), Edinburgh (7 to 18 March), Tunbridge Wells (23 to 25 March) and Basingstoke (28 March to 1 April).