Inspired by the classic 1980s film, starring Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi, The All New Original Tribute to The Blues Brothers is not so much musical theatre but more a high-octane celebration of the songs from the movie. There is no plot, but the concert-style performance evokes the spirit of the ‘Brothers’ with enjoyable characterisations of Aykroyd, Belushi and some of the other huge talents involved in the original.
Forming their band in 1978, Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi appeared as an act on Saturday Night Live, going on to release a number of successful albums and starring together in their own films, before Belushi’s untimely death. The Blues Brothers was conceived as a skit, “a peculiar combination of comedy, kitsch, and classic blues and soul”. It was Belushi’s deep rooted belief in the blues, and desire to bring it to the masses that inspired The Blues Brothers and has created a long lasting legacy.
Already a cult, the stage show has toured extensively throughout Europe and the UK and now returns with this all-new tribute. Brad Henshaw and Daniel Fletcher, dressed in the black suits and dark sunglasses, are vocally outstanding, and do the ‘boys’ proud with their well-observed comedy, strongly supported by the Bluettes (Jocasta Almgill, Alexus Ruth and Vicky Goddard). Knock out numbers include ‘Everybody’, ‘Stand By Your Man’, ‘Sweet Home Chicago’, ‘Under the Boardwalk’ and Luke Jasztal, in white top hat and tails, giving a spirited rendition of ‘Minnie the Moocher’.
The Medley and audience participation in the ‘Flip, Flop and Fly’ number, are real crowd pleasers, and inevitably get the auditorium on its feet and dancing in the aisles.
Not to everyone’s taste perhaps, but the energy is infectious, and for lovers of the blues, is a great party night out.