Award-winning dance show Stomp, currently at the Ambassadors theatre, has unveiled a revamped version with new music and routines.
With that in mind, the creative team decided it was time for a relaunch, and have been gradually teaching the cast several new routines over the course of the last few months. Many of the changes were inspired by their large-scale Las Vegas version, entitled Stomp Out Loud.
According to press material, the new routines create the “ultimate redefinition of ‘surround sound’”, with sequences involving everything from paint cans to monster truck inner tubes that are “recycled into outsized Guiros, a Latin American percussion instrument, played by scraping the ridged sides with a stick”.
Stomp was created by Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas, and is presented in the West End by Glynis Henderson Productions and Yes/No Productions. It’s currently booking at the Ambassadors until 18 October 2009.
– by Theo Bosanquet