The Christmas show will tour Wales from November
Sherman Cymru and Theatr Iolo have announced their Christmas show for 2015, which will be touring South Wales in November and December and returning to the Sherman Theatre in Cardiff for Christmas.
A new adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s tale The Princess and the Pea / Y Dywysoges a’r Bysen Fechan Fach, it's billed as "a fun filled story for the under 7s and their families".
Adapted by Welsh playwright Katherine Chandler and directed by by Theatr Iolo's Kevin Lewis, it follows last year’s Christmas show for the same age group, The Ugly Duckling / Yr Hwyaden Fach Hyll.
Chandler said: "I am thrilled to be adapting this adorable story for boys and girls of this age group. It’s going to be fun, mischievous and playful."
The Princess and the Pea / Y Dywysoges a’r Bysen Fechan Fach will open at the Sherman Theatre on 6 and 7 November before touring across South Wales in November and returning back to the Sherman Theatre from 7 December 2015 to 2 January 2016.