The shows are taking place in August
The show is to be directed by Hannah Chissick (who also serves as dramaturg), with choreography by Taylor Walker, musical supervision by Nick Pinchbeck, orchestration by Matthew Malone, design by Ruth Sutcliffe, lighting by Simisola Majekodunmi, sound by Tom Marshall and video design by Gino Green.
Appearing in the concert will be Carrie Hope Fletcher (Martha Percy), Bradley Jaden (Thomas Percy), Simon-Anthony Rhoden (Robert Catesby), Les Dennis (Robert Cecil), Emilie Louise Israel (Eleanor Brooksby), Rebecca Lachance (Anne Vaux), Daniel Boys (King James), Cedric Neal (Earl of Northumberland), Waylon Jacobs (Jack Wright) and Adam Pearce (Thomas Wintour).
A second date to the initial, sold-out performance on 22 August has been added for 23 August. Tickets go on sale later today.
The show is part of a series of concerts including Chess and Kinky Boots. Find out more here.