Award-winning comedy duo LipService – (Maggie Fox and Sue Ryding) – return to the North West next week in their new original musical comedy, Desperate to be Doris, featuring some of Doris Day’s greatest hits. Songs include: “Secret Love”, “Que Sera, Sera”, “Steam Heat”, “The Deadwood Stage”, “Enjoy Yourself.”
Joining LipService for this Doris sing-fest, will be a community choir specially recruited for the tour and Darren Southworth, fresh from the West End in Spamalot.
The plot follows Dean, who works as a buyer for a mail order nightwear firm called the Pyjama Game. At home he is a legend in his living room and sings like Doris Day. Will Dean dare to share his Calamity Jane with an unsuspecting world? When his local operatic society Out of my Range, decides to stage the hit musical, Dean is suddenly thrown in the limelight.
Desperate to be Doris is produced in association with York Theatre Royal and with Lottery funds from The Arts Council.
The show premiered at the York Theatre Royal from 26 June – 4 July. It then played in Manchester at the Library Theatre from 23 September – 3rd October. It returns to the Library Theatre from 11 – 15 May, 2010.