In December 2012, a young girl was gang raped on a bus as it travelled through central Delhi. She later died of the horrific injuries she sustained. This served as a catalyst for women in India who have suffered abuse in silence to come forward, tell their story, and bring an end to the misery. In the Assembly Main Hall, five of these accounts are dramatised, each by an actress with first-hand experience.
The bravery and importance of this play are beyond question, and while the truth of these stories gives Nirbhaya its unbearable potency, the design, lighting and performances make this production’s status as a work of theatre more than valid. Bus windows suspended from wires swing freely across the stage, suggesting that a sick society can lash out at anyone, and the character of Nirbhaya floats around the action, binding performers and audience into the wider responsibility of bringing an end to the brutality.
There is the feeling of being trapped while watching Nirbhaya; the descriptions of events are utterly sickening, and yet the stories must not be ignored. Nirbhaya speaks out against the complicity of staying silent, and while this play may be too much for many to endure, it is an unforgettable and beautifully crafted piece of theatre.
– Tom Sudron
Nirbhaya continues at the Assembly Hall until 26 August 2013