The show will feature a cast of Luke Bateman, Michael Conley, Stefan Bednarczyk and Molly Lynch
Luke Bateman and Michael Conley's The Sorrows of Satan musical will have its world premiere next month, streamed
The piece, which reimagines the story of Faust at the heart of 1920s London, will be available from 5 to 9 May via the show's site on, and is based on Marie Corelli's 1895 controversial bestseller of the same name.
It has music by Bateman, book and lyrics by Conley, direction by Adam Lenson, musical direction by Stefan Bednarczyk, lighting by Sam Waddington and Ben Jacobs, technical production by Chris Czornyj, video designs by Matt Powell and assistant direction by Freya Smith. It is produced by Alfred Taylor-Gaunt and Aisling Tara.
Filmed at stately home Brocket Hall, the piece will star Bateman and Conley, alongside Bednarczyk and Molly Lynch.
Tickets are on sale now.