Celebrating the life and career of the legendary Julie Andrews, Sarah-Louise Young uses her admiration for the Dame to write and perform and tremendous piece of entertainment in the form of Julie Madly Deeply.
Beginning with a medley of Julie’s most recognisable songs from The Sound of Music, "My Favourite Things" and "Do-Re-Mi", Young instantly marks the beginning of the concert with a celebratory feel.
It is clear to see that Young is a dedicated fan and her admiration shines throughout the show. Even when speaking of Julie’s now infamous appearance at London’s O2 Arena, Young remains passionate and defensive of her idol. Switching from playing herself and Julie, Young is a versatile performer with a terrific sense of comedy.
"Feed the Birds" is a number where Young can truly display her voice, concentrating solely on the song with no added dialogue or jokes, this performance is the highlight of the performance.
Musical direction (and the occasional anecdote) comes from Michael Roulston, who plays perfectly with Young on their journey celebrating the music of Julie Andrews.
The affectionate piece is a fresh look at the life and times of Dame Julie Andrews and provides a thoroughly touching and insightful look at one of Britain’s most iconic theatre stars.