The show will feature hologram versions of Carrie Hope Fletcher and Tom Brittney
Featuring Wayne's iconic tune accompanying a story based on H G Wells' iconic Victorian tale, the immersive show includes a Steampunk bar/restaurant, a full kilometer of movie sets, virtual and augmented reality moments, 5D effects and appearances from the likes of Justin Hayward, Nathan Kames and Ricky Wilson.
What's more, there will be interactive hologram appearances from Tom Brittney (Grantchester), Anna-Marie Wayne (The War of the Worlds Live) and Carrie Hope Fletcher (Les Misérables). 12 real-life actors will also be present.
Wayne partnered with digital entertainment company Layered Reality to create the immersive piece in 2019, with the production winning the TEA THEA Award. The two-hour show will feature all the relevant Covid-safety rules.
The composer said today: "When the pandemic closed TWOTW Experience virtually over-night in March 2020, it was like so many others that instantly became threatened, with no real surety of when ‘normal', or even close to ‘normal', would return.
"But during this long period, those at Layered Reality worked tirelessly to meet every criteria the government required to make our show COVID-secure. I am very grateful for their fortitude and determination, to now know that The Martians Are Coming…back! And with our collective teams, we'll be returning with a new production that has pushed the levers of creatively even further."
Tickets go on sale later this month.
Fletcher added: "Jeff Wayne's The War of The Worlds is a huge Fletcher family favourite, I grew up listening to the double album and it holds huge personal significance to me. I am so thrilled to be returning in 'virtual reality' when the Immersive Experience reopens next year.
"The War of the Worlds: The Immersive Experience is both thrilling and exciting. Importantly, it offers an opportunity where audiences can connect with other human beings on a very personal level. That sense of bonding is what we all crave right now! 'The War of The Worlds' story is the perfect metaphor for COVID where in the face of apocalyptic forces, humanity wins. It's been a hugely tough time for the arts but we will return and stronger than ever before!"
Watch the trailer here: