”Macbeth”, ”The Secret Garden” and ”Comedy of Errors” staged outdoors in Chester.
Grosvenor Park Open Air Theatre are staging Shakespeare’s Macbeth and The Comedy of Errors in their fifth summer season of popular outdoor theatre.
Also on the bill is a new adaptation of the children’s classic The Secret Garden, by Jessica Swale, the playwright behind the Globe’s Blue Stockings.
The season opens on 4 July and runs until 24 August, with Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth, set in a stark urban landscape
Alex Clifton returns as Artistic Director for a fifth year, and will direct Macbeth and A Comedy of Errors.
Chester Performs have also commissioned a brand new adaptation of The Secret Garden, aimed at families with puppetry by Toby Olie, who has worked on War Horse.
Grosvenor Park Outdoor Theatre is the only full time professional open air theatre company outside London.