
Five Reasons to See … Rogue Writers

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

| Off-West End |

26 March 2010

Rogue Writers is a monthly new writing night presented at the Canal Cafe Theatre by young theatre company Rogues Gallery. Here, director Cameron Harris gives us five good reasons to go along (the next performance is 29 March 2010).

1. Four new pieces in one night!
With a maximum length of fifteen minutes for each piece, you can feast your eyes on four brand new pieces of writing in one short, relaxed and exceptionally pleasant evening. They may be extracts from a longer show, or a scene in itself – you never know what you’re going to get and you can be sure that if one doesn’t do it for you, the next one will. From rehearsed readings to polished performances, the pieces are varied and invariably exciting.

2. It’s a hotbed of talent
This isn’t an empty boast I promise! We don’t just showcase the writing, we cast from a large pool of creatives and assign up and coming directors. Come and see new writing performed and directed by some outstanding talent from a huge variety of backgrounds, with influences from Shakespeare to stand up comedy to physical theatre.

3. Support up and coming artists
It’s a no strings attached, right to fail! You can come along and support the next generation of London theatre makers. It’s hard for unestablished writers and companies to afford the space to try out something new. We give them a no strings attached platform, you give them the support – simples.

4. It’s cheap!
This may seem like a bit of a downsell, but it’s not I assure you. We work on a non-profit basis, which means we don’t charge anyone for performing their work. Just as importantly, we think theatre shouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg to go and see, so you can see some outstanding new pieces in a stunning little space for only £5 a ticket. It shouldn’t break the bank to get a healthy dose of decent theatre.

5. Have your say
Your feedback is crucial to develop the crafts of writers, directors and actors. Constructive criticism and outright praise are pivotal to theatre makers’ development of their talents. Feed back directly to authors, actors and directors while enjoying a cosy pint in the pub (directly downstairs) afterwards – what could be better? Alternately, email us and we can put you in touch with whoever you’d like to speak to – it’s just as much about the community of theatre as the night itself.

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