The show will feature Stephanie Beatriz (as Mirabel), Adassa (as Dolores), Carolina Gaitán (as Pepa), Jessica Darrow (as Luisa), Diane Guerrero (as Isabela), Mauro Castillo (as Félix), Angie Cepeda (as Julieta) and Olga Merediz (as Abuela Alma) as well as special guests, including Carlos Vives and Andrés Cepeda. Composer Lin-Manuel Miranda will also provide a special introduction.
The live-to-film concert experience will feature an 80-person orchestra, 50 dancers and iconic numbers including “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” and “Surface Pressure”.
The concert will take place live on 11 and 12 November, with both performances filmed for a Disney Plus release from Wednesday 28 December.