The back story of Encounters is a touch unlikely – how Maisie aged 18 and her family suddenly disappeared from Wakefield without trace, leaving young Jed feeling bereft – but the relationship between the two five years later is wholly convincing, especially as played by two extremely natural and personable young actors in Joanna Nicks and Danny Bell. Maisie has suddenly got in touch, Jed suggests a meeting in the Hepworth and, as they walk round the galleries, they discuss their lives along with the sculptures and gradually frame a new future for Maisie.
It’s not easy to stage a promenade production in the middle of ordinary gallery goers (by the end fairly numerous for a Sunday morning), but Encounters achieves it by not compromising the basic principle of total naturalism. Obviously Nicks and Bell pitch their voices a little louder than most visitors, but not to excess (with great regard to a potentially boomy acoustic), and they are splendidly unfazed by unplanned vocal competition from the next gallery! As they wander through the galleries, they merge with members of the public, some of whom drop in for the odd scene.
Sarah Osborne manages the dual purpose of her play very skilfully. Jed, as it happens, has found a purpose in life in the five years after 18, Maisie has lost hers. As a teacher in Wakefield, he is familiar with the Hepworth and an enthusiast for Barbara Hepworth’s work. Maisie, returning for the first time, knows the gallery only by reputation. What more natural than that he should tell her about some of the sculptures? As gallery guides go, he is one of the few I’ve found bearable! A satisfying piece of theatre is also the most painless commercial for The Hepworth – and you don’t have to be fully convinced by the conclusion about the inspiring qualities of art to find that Encounters works perfectly!
Further daytime performances are scheduled for February 16th (also a solitary evening performance), 19th and 26th and it’s also available on /user/EncountersYewTree.