It’s bad news for the show
The Broadway production of Emma Donoghue’s Room, which was scheduled to begin performances on 3 April at the James Earl Jones Theatre, will not open this season after all.
“In the midst of our rehearsals we were informed by one of our lead producers that due to personal reasons, they did not intend to fulfill their obligations to the production. Since being notified, the rest of the producing team has exhausted all possible avenues to keep the show on track, but the narrow timeline and economic shortfall created by this series of events has proven to be insurmountable,” said producer Hunter Arnold. “We are incredibly disappointed not to be able to open this remarkable production at this time and are especially heartbroken for our incredibly talented cast and creative team who were hard at work in the rehearsal room.”
Producers Sam Julyan and James Yeoburn added: “We have been honored to share the story of Room since its world premiere in 2017 in London and its subsequent productions in Dublin, Scotland, and Ontario. We truly believe that today’s disappointing news will not be the end of Room on stage.”
The cast was to be led by Adrienne Warren as Ma, alongside Ephraim Sykes as SuperJack, Tina Benko as Interviewer/Police Officer, Michael Genet as Grandpa/Doctor, Triney Sandoval as Old Nick, and Kate Burton as Grandma. Child actors Aiden Mekhi Sierra of New Jersey and Christopher Woodley of New York City were to alternate in the role of Little Jack.
Donoghue has adapted her 2010 best-selling novel for the stage, with songs and music by Scottish songwriters Kathryn Joseph and Cora Bissett, and will be directed by Bissett.
Rehearsals were shut down as of 16 March.