Week One:
Feral (Summerhall)
Grounded (Traverse)
Ciara (Traverse)
Quietly (Traverse)
Nirbhaya (Assembly)
Donal O’Kelly’s Brace – Fionnuala and Skeffy (Hill Street Theatre)
Kiss Me Honey, Honey (Gilded Balloon)
The Events (Traverse)
Week Two:
These Halycon Days (Assembly)
Theatre Uncut (Traverse)
Dark Vanilla Jungle (Pleasance)
Dumbstruck (Zoo)
Water Stain (EICC)
Fleabag (Underbelly)
Week Three:
For Their Own Good (Summerhall)
Gardening: For the unfulfilled and alienated (Pleasance)
Credible Likeable Superstar Rolemodel (Pleasance)
Choose Your Own Documentary (Gilded Balloon)
Mercy Killers (Assembly)
Freeze (Summerhall)
Herald Angel Awards
Ciara (Traverse)
Nirbhaya (Assembly)
Sandpit Avenue (Assembly)
One Step BeforeThe Fall (Zoo)
The Wau Wau Sisters Are As Naked As The Day They Were Born Again! (Famous Spiegeltent)
Mirenka Cechova for S/He is Nancy Joe (Zoo)
Circa: Wunderkammer (Underbelly)
Kate Tempest for Brand New Ancients (Traverse)
Gandini Jugglers for Smashed (Assembly)
Rant (Acoustic Music Centre @ St Bride’s)
Christine Tobin for A Thousand Kisses Deep, British Vocal Jazz Festival (Le Monde)
Little Devil Awards
Lea McGowan for Now Leasing (C Venues)
Hag (Underbelly)
Foster’s Edinburgh Comedy Awards
Best Comedy Show – Bridget Christie for A Bic For Her (The Stand Comedy Club)
Foster’s Best Newcomer Award – John Kearns for Sight Gags For Perverts (Voodoo Rooms)
Fosters Panel Prize –
Adrienne Truscott’s Asking For It: A One-Lady Rape About Comedy Starring Her Pussy And Little Else! (Heroes @ Bob’s Bookshop)
Amused Moose Awards
Amused Moose Laughter Award – Al Lubel
Amused Moose People’s Champion – Danny Ward
Amused Moose Laugh-Off – Pierre Novellie
The Bobby Awards
Bin Laden: The One-Man Show (C Venues)
The Island Doctor Moreau (C Venues)
Ballad Of The Burning Star (Pleasance)
The Play That Goes Wrong (Pleasance)
Chortle Student Comedy Award
Rio Bauer
NSDF National Student Drama Festival Award
League Of St George (C Venues)
Play For September (Pleasance)
Total Theatre Awards
Shows by an Emerging Artist/Company –
Sh!t Theatre’s JSA (Job Seakers Anonymous 2013) (Gryphon Venues)
Physical/Visual Theatre –
L’Apres-midi d’un Foehn – Version 1 (Summerhall) and Pirates of the Carabina – Crying Out Loud presents Flown (Underbelly)
Innovation, Experimentation and Playing with form –
Bonanza (Summerhall),
Have I No Mouth? (Traverse),
The Worst of Scottee (Assembly)
Significant Contribution Award – C!rca (Australia)
The Stage Awards for Acting Excellence
Best Actor –
Patrick O’Kane for Quietly (Traverse)
Best Actress – Robyn Scott for London Road, Sea Point (Assembly)
Best Ensemble – Theatre Ad Infinitum for Ballad of The Burning Star (Pleasance)
Best Solo Performer – Phoebe Waller-Bridge for Fleabag (Underbelly)
The Scottish Arts Club / Edinburgh Guide Award
Hela (Summerhall)
Dave Funniest Joke of the Fringe Award
Rob Auton (Banshee Labyrinth)
Primary Times Children’s Choice Award
Captain Flinn And The Pirate Dinosaurs (Underbelly)
Amnesty International Freedom of Expression Award
Nirbhaya (Assembly)
So You Think You’re Funny Award
Joint Winners: Demi Lardner and Edd Hedges
Carol Tambor Best of Edinburgh Award
The Events (Traverse)
Holden Street Theatre Awards
Bitch Boxer (Pleasance)
Brighton Fringe Award
The Bloody Ballad (Assembly)
The Arches Brick Award
Sh!t Theatre’s JSA (Job Seakers Anonymous 2013) (Gryphon Venues)
Credible Likeable Superstar Rolemodel (Pleasance)
Jack Tinker Spirit of the Fringe Award
Bloody Great Border Ballad Project (Northern Stage @ St Stephens)
TO&ST Award
Lyn Ruth Miller: Granny’s Gone Wild (C Venues)
MTN Awards (supported by WhatsOnStage)
Best Music –
The Bloody Ballad (Assembly)
Best Lyrics-
The Bridge (C Venues)
Best Musical –
The Bloody Ballad (Assembly)
Award for Innovation-
Dumbstruck (Zoo)
MTN Newcomer – I Need A Doctor: The Unauthorised Whosical Adventure (Pleasance)
Malcolm Hardee Award for Comic Originality
Adrienne Truscott’s Asking For It: A One-Lady Rape About Comedy Starring Her Pussy And Little Else! (Heroes @ Bob’s Bookshop)
Malcolm Hardee Cunning Stunt Award
Barry Ferns (for distributing 2,000 fake copies of Fringe review newspaper sheet Broadway Baby in which his own comedy show was given six stars)
Malcom Hardee Pound of Flesh Award
Gareth Ellis and Richard Rose (for releasing a video in which Richard gives Gareth a black eye)
Allen Wright Awards
Reviews – Evan Beswick (Fest)
News and Features – Lyle Brennan (Fest)
The Impatto Totale Award for Best Show by a European Company
Belarus Free Theatre for Trash Cuisine (Pleasance)
Three Weeks Editor Awards
John Robins for Where Is My Mind? (Pleasance)
The Les Clöchards (Assembly)
Ali McGregor for Jassamatazz and Late-Nite Variety Night Nite (Assembly)
2Faced Dance Company for Out Of His Skin (Zoo)
Jack Klaff for Out To Lunch (Summerhall)
Kate Smurthwaite for The News at Kate 2013: World Inaction (Cannon’s Gait)
Daniel Cainer for Schtick and Spiel (Gilded Balloon)
Yianni for Yianni In Think Big (The Dram House)
Bryony Kimmings for Credible Likeable Superstar Rolemodel (Pleasance)
Fringe Review Outstanding Theatre Award
The Inventor and the Escort (Gilded Balloon)
Mervyn Stutter’s Spirit of the Fringe Awards
Lady Rizo (Assembly)
Lights, Camera, Improvise (Underbelly)
Tangram (Pleasance)
Titus Andronicus (Bedlam Theatre)
Marcel Lucont A La Carte (Throughout Edinburgh)
Bangalore Rock (The Merchant’s Hall)
2013 Award for Sustainable Production
Daniel Bye for How to Occupy an Oil Rig (Northern Stage @ St Stephens)
Dupliquick Printing Zebra Award
Diary of A Madman (Quaker Meeting House)