To celebrate ”Back to the Future Day” we consider our dream cast for a musical adaptation of Robert Zemeckis’ 1985 classic
We're not going to lie, tears were shed when Jamie Lloyd announced that he wouldn't continue with the planned adaptation of Back to the Future: The Musical.
Whilst it seems there are no plans to bring the 1985 film to the stage in the near future, we thought that Back to the Future day was as good a day as any to consider our dream casting, should the project be revived.
If our calculations are correct, we imagine the BTTF score would be great with a pop punk vibe, so the former EastEnders star's current role in Green Day's American Idiot and leading role in the original cast of Son of Dork's Loserville make him a perfect fit.
We know Sir Gambon retired from the stage earlier this year, but this is a dream casting and GREAT SCOTT! how awesome would Gambon look flying a DeLorean over the Palladium stalls?
Rising star Molly's professional debut was in the brilliant revival of Carrie the Musical at Southwark Playhouse in May this year. Since then she has received praise for her performance in The House of Mirrors and Hearts at the Arcola and has recently been cast in the revival of Closer to Heaven at the Union Theatre.
There's something about the Merlin star that reminds us of 1950's glamour. With theatre credits including Jez Butterworth's Mojo set in 1950's Soho and a flamboyant dance instructor in the Old Vic's 24 Hour Musicals gala, we think he's on the road to success. Although where he's going, he doesn't need roads.
Tovey played Rudge in both the stage and film versions of Alan Bennett's The History Boys, a pupil better known for athletic skills than for intelligence; ideal experience for playing bully Biff then.
Who would you cast in your dream cast? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter.