Directed by Federico Bellone with choreography by Austin Wilks, the piece is based on the blockbuster film and follows Baby and Johnny, two fiercely independent young spirits from two completely different worlds, whose paths cross at Kellerman's vacation resort during a summer that will change their lives forever.
The stage show also features hit songs from the movie, including "Hungry Eyes", "Do You Love Me?", "Hey! Baby" and, of course, "(I've Had) The Time Of My Life".
The show previously ran earlier this year in the West End – you can watch the trailer for that run here:
Producer Karl Sydow said: "We can't wait to bring this amazing show back to the Dominion Theatre following its incredible audience reception earlier this year. Now more than ever, theatre needs the excitement and joy that Dirty Dancing brings – you'll have the time of your life!". Casting for the show is to be revealed.
It is set to run from 21 January to 29 April 2023, with tickets on sale below.