The dance show follows ”Cats” at the Palladium, opening on 8 May
Beyond Bollywood, a "dance extravaganza" that comes direct from Mumbai, will play the London Palladium from 8 May to 27 June 2015.
The show, which opens for booking on Monday, is written, choreographed and directed by Rajeev Goswami with lyrics by Irfan Siddiqui and an original score by Salim-Sulaiman.
According to publicity material, "A colourful dance extravaganza, Beyond Bollywood takes audiences on a truly authentic cultural tour of India."
The story centres on Shaily Shergill, who leaves behind her home in Germany to journey to India in the hope of fulfilling her mother's dying wish, to revive her family's failing theatre.
Beyond Bollywood follows Cats at the Palladium, which recently extended booking to 25 April.