The actor is currently appearing in the outdoor performance of Homer’s classic at The Scoop
Alec Porter currently stars in The Odyssey as part of London's Free Open Air Theatre Season – among the roles he plays in the 3-part epic story are Philoitios, a butcher and aspiring ballad singer and Hermes, a god and Zeus' messenger.
Alec is returning to The Scoop after playing the lead role of Razkolnikov in last year's Crime and Punishment – A Rock Musical.
AP: Arriving at work, so lucky to be in such a beautiful theatre space
AP: Notes in the sun with director Phil Willmott
AP: Check in with the backstage team, Tom and Toby
AP: Warm Up!!
AP: Pre-show selfie, about to go ‘undercover’ in the audience
AP: Chatting away to some of our younger audience members!
AP: Light grows dimmer as the story grows richer
AP: Philoitios and Eurylochos reunited in Act 3
AP: Q&A after the show with actors and directors on a Thursday!
AP: Goodbye selfie with Tom (stage management) and assistant movement director Viola.
The Odyssey runs at The Scoop on Tower Bridge until 3 September as part of their free Open-Air Theatre season.