
West End shows cryptic quiz

We’ve created some cryptic descriptions of major West End shows…can you work out which ones they are?

Her Majesty's Theatre - Haymarket, London - The Phantom of the Opera
Her Majesty's Theatre – Haymarket, London – The Phantom of the Opera
© Elliott Brown
Everyone loves a riddle and brainteaser on a Sunday morning – so we thought we'd put a theatre-spin on some cryptic puzzles and provide you with a theatre-land test for the most lateral of thinkers.

We've created some fictitious alternative descriptions of major shows currently running or about to open in the West End – but can you guess them from these coded sentences? You'll need to type the right show name into the answer box and find out if you've cracked them.

Some are harder than others…but let us know how you get on on Facebook and Twitter. Oh and watch out! Answers are case sensitive so make sure you've got them spelt correctly.