
The Behemoth

At the start of their show, John-Luke Roberts and Nadia Kamil announce they will be performing sketches from around the world; huge stories performed by only two people. The Behemoth turns out to be a wonderfully silly, often surreal, always funny hour of sketch comedy.

The fast-paced show covers issues as diverse as the musings of belly buttons, a robotic yet surprisingly low-tech future vision of the Earth, and the perils faced by performers with nut allergies. Particular highlights are sketches exploring the differing outlooks on life of an everyday animal and an imaginary one, and a daring world record attempt. The delightfully slapdash props and costumes add to the show’s overwhelming sense of fun.

Both Luke-Roberts and Kamil are highly enthusiastic and engaging, and fully committed to each sketch, no matter how short or silly. When the performers have such a rapport and are so clearly enjoying themselves, it is inevitable that the audience will be drawn in and enjoy the ride.

– Emma Watkins