
To Tweet or not to Tweet during Performances?

Many theatre patrons have annoying examples of behaviour which has impeded their enjoyment of a production. Whether it is the rustling of a sweet wrapper, the serial texter, the person who gives elements of the plot away or the theatre-goer who drinks too much at the bar and then has to get an wntire row out of their seats during a performance. But what about the tweeter? Have you seen anyone tweeting during a performance and what do you think about it?

I witness this a great deal during press nights, whereby a ‘star’ is invited and in return they tweet nice things about the production. I completely see why a theatre company would invite them and then looking at the twitter feed the following morning – they can state that Wayne Rooney or whoever enjoyed the show and retweet the comments. But, why tweet during a performance? There is an interval and failing that – tweet as you leave. It smacks of self importance otherwise – as your followers may enjoy it but what of the people all around you blinded by the light from your phone and having their minds taken out of the performance as a result.

There has been a great deal written about will.iam tweeting during The Voice UK and many people have said – he is engaging with young people using new media and therefore relating to the audience directly using what they are using. But, again – what about the people in the Studio audience? How boring is it for them to see him doing this? As for the few of us left still watching the show at home – it’s the equivalent of watching paint dry – seeing him do it. Is it me or does it come across as rude?

I’m all for engagment with new media and I totally see the value of sites like Twitter. I’m a regular user myself and love all the doors it has opened and the fact that we can now follow actors, producers and directors all in one place. But, when I go to the theatre, I want to escape – not to be reminded of the outside world and the dreaded mobile phone. I’m really hoping that tweeting from the stalls is a fad. If it isn’t, I hope you’ll join me in confronting serial tweeters and telling them to switch off and twitter ye not.