About This Show

The world has come to an end. Civilisation as we know it has ceased to exist. In the absence of an ever-present society, the last two people left on Earth turn to imagination and resilience to start from scratch. Once Standing is the story of two survivors and their new world. Their relationship is both playful and abusive and their emotions shift quickly through boredom to recklessness and their behaviour seems quirky, dark, hilarious and unexpected. Elaborate headpieces, human puppetry, experimental mating rituals and aerial acts mix with innovative pair work as they explore a counterweighting relationship. Challenging the presence of the audience, the performers follow their personal needs and dance like no-one is watching. Get excited, moved, confused and relate to the despair and freedom that being alone can bring.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 0min (0 intermissions)
Dates: One Night Only: 28 February 2020


Out of Order Company