About This Show

Mum, I’m In The Fourth Dimension, See! – Combining spoken word, drag and Es Morgan’s hallmark hypnotic movement, Mum, I’m in the fourth dimension, see! is a dance, a poem, a wild torrent of melodrama. In our current state of global anxiety, Mum! slips into the cracks between mass extinction and mass production, full automation and a full face of makeup. Es Morgan presents a melting pot of tensions, crises and glimpses of utopia. Please Note: This show contains some strong language. Nightclubbing – POST PUNK / POST FEAR / POST PANIC. 1981: Grace Jones releases her landmark album Nightclubbing; her body is brown and soft. 2015: Three women are refused entry into a London nightclub; their bodies are brown and soft. WE are those women, we zoom through galaxies and solar systems, traveling through time, preparing for our moment to land… IT’S NOW!

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: 28 February 2019