About This Show

An operatic divertissement to be performed in an abridged version of Moliere’s comedy Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. Both pignant and comic, Ariadne auf Naxos is an opera within an opera. The curtain opens on a Viennese salon where preparations are being made for a performance of an opera. There is consternation when the Major Domo (Chied Butler) announces that due to time pressure, a harlequin troupe will be performing comedy during the opera itself. The conflicting scenarios and contrasting characters reveal what happens when stand-up comedy meets Greek tragedy and music hall meets high art.

Prologue in English with a new translation by Helen Cooper.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: 17 July 2018 Final Performance: 27 July 2018
Location: Opera Holland Park - Open Air Theatre, Inner London

Ilchester Place,

Inner London,

W8 6LU

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